Experience the World with Top Travel Influencers of 2023

Travel influencers are a dime a dozen these days, with everyone and their grandma documenting their adventures on social media.

However, not all travel influencers are created equal.

Some have a talent for capturing stunning visuals, others have a knack for storytelling, and a select few have a massive following that trusts their recommendations.

And after 15+ years as a YouTube influencer marketing agency working with many of them, we’ve developed some strong favorites.

In this article, we'll be highlighting the top 10 travel influencers who stand out from the crowd and inspire us to see the world in a whole new light.

From fearless solo travelers to adventurous families, these influencers are redefining the way we think about travel and providing endless inspiration for our next adventure.

So pack your bags and join us as we explore the world through the eyes of our top 5 travel influencers.

Our Top 5 Travel Influencers in 2023

1. Stepsof2Foreigners

This traveling couple will inspire you to find your own travel buddy and "go out and make memories" because everybody knows that traveling with your best friend, makes every adventure that much more memorable.

2. The Nomadic Movement

Converting their short bus into a tiny home, and now living off grid, The Nomadic Movement makes you feel a part of their family as you journey with them

3. Dr. Hannah Straight

Hannah's adventures explore the beauty of simple living. Her van life will make you realize the beauty that lies right outside your backyard

4. Fandabi Dozi

Fandabi not only has you traveling the world but has you traveling through time. His medieval approach to travel helps his viewers connect with nature, heritage, and the wilderness.

5. cari cakes

Cari really inspires her watchers to step out of their comfort zone and experience life to the full If Korea is a place you’d love to learn more about or hope to travel to, Cari’s channel is the place to view.


What did you think?

We think the travel influencers we highlighted are leading the charge in the world of travel content creation.

They are using their platforms to inspire, educate, and entertain their followers, and in doing so, they are reshaping the way we think about travel.

Whether you're looking for destination inspiration, travel tips, or just a glimpse into the lives of adventurous people, these influencers are sure to provide what you're looking for.

By showcasing their unique perspectives and talents, they are paving the way for a new generation of travel content creators and proving that travel influencer is more than just a hashtag, it's a lifestyle.

So the next time you're planning a trip or simply in need of some travel inspiration, be sure to revisit these top travel influencers.

Original article can be found on The Outloud Group’s Blog

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